Where to Get Waffles in Athens

Even in Athens, you can find authentic Belgian waffles
Even in Athens, you can find authentic Belgian waffles | © Belgà Gaufrerie & Café
Ethel Dilouambaka

The dessert section may be lacking in traditional tavernas in Athens, but Greeks have a way of getting their sugar fix. For those moments when you want something sweet but not necessarily a cupcake or piece of cake, go straight for the waffles—you won’t be disappointed. Here are the top places to get Belgian and other types of waffles in the Greek capital.

Belgà gaufrerie & café

Dessert Shop, Coffee Shop, Belgian, Dessert

Belgian waffles at Belgà
© Belgà Gaufrerie & Café

Probably the most authentic of them all, since it is owned by a Belgian, is Belgà, on the main square of Halandri. It is one of the top places to get Belgian waffles. There, you can sample Brussels waffles, which are rectangular and feature deep “dimples,” as well as Liège waffles, which have more of an oblong shape and are smaller than the Brussels waffle. Toppings come in a variety of options, including Snickers, seasonal fruits, speculoos (a traditional spiced cookie popular in Belgium) or simply plain powdered sugar. You can pair yours with ice cream if you like and wash it all down with a cup of coffee or tea.

Home Sweet Home Waffles

Dessert Shop, Coffee Shop, Dessert

Home Sweet Home Waffles
© Home Sweet Home Waffles

Located a bit off the beaten track, near Ano Patissia and north of Galatsi, Home Sweet Home Waffles is a lovely place where you can enjoy Belgian waffles with sweet and savory toppings or a selection of other treats. It features simple décor, warm hosts, and an outdoor green patio adorned with a mural by local street artist Stmts. At Home Sweet Home Waffles, you can have a feast for the eyes and the stomach.

Waffle House

Dessert Shop, Dessert

You may be surprised to find more gelato and ice cream than waffles at Waffle House, which started up on the island of Naxos and now has two stores in Athens. However, you can still have some delicious waffles there, although not the rectangular variety. The toppings, including cinnamon, tsoureki (a traditional Greek brioche-like bread), mastiha or cookie cream, complement the waffles perfectly. Indeed, you might love it so much that you will want to reach for seconds.


Restaurant, Coffee Shop, Dessert

the Berliner
© Berliner
Berliner, located in the suburb of Neo Irakleio, offers innovative dishes, including sweets and burgers in the afternoon. Once you have a look at the menu, you will be tempted to order everything. However, since the theme of the day is waffles, we recommend you try the waffler, a burger sandwiched between two waffles and topped with maple syrup. It’s truly decadent.

Bufala Gelato

Ice Cream Parlour, Dessert Shop, Dessert

Bufala Gelato
© Bufala Gelato

A gelateria that first appeared in Thessaloniki, Bufala Gelato now has an outpost in Athens, more specifically in Glyfada. This place serves delicious ice cream, which you can have in a buffle cone, a bubbly waffle cone used to hold the ice cream. Choose your favorite flavor (or try something new), and pair it with the truffle, caramel brownies, jam, fruit or melted chocolate toppings. But for those who want a subtler taste, have a go at the bufala ice cream, made with 100% buffalo milk.

Bobos Chicken & Waffles

Food Stand, Fast Food

If you think waffles are only a sweet treat, Bobos Chicken & Waffles will prove otherwise. Bringing the American concept of mixing waffles with, you guessed it, chicken, Bobos is conveniently located near Syntagma Square and offers a selection of flavors such as Classic, Bobos, Sweet Chili, Honey Mustard and Texas BBQ. Revolutionizing the street food scene, Bobos is ideal on a night out hopping between bars or for a hearty “brunch.”

Hungry Dog – Crepes, Waffles and more

Dessert Shop, Coffee Shop, Dessert

Hungry Dog
© Hungry Dog
Hungry Dog may seem like an impossible place to reach, located near the metro stop Agios Ioannis (near Neos Kosmos) on the red line, but once you sit down and open the menu, your efforts will be rewarded. This little local eatery serves delicious crepes, pancakes, sandwiches, burgers, and, of course, waffles, which you can customize to your heart’s content thanks to the various toppings. Whether you opt for a decadent assortment or a healthier version with fruits, you will leave satisfied and happy.
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