Top Restaurants In Waterloo, Iowa

Waterloo, Iowa
Waterloo, Iowa | © Wikimedia Commons
Samuel Spencer

Along with its sister city Cedar Falls, Waterloo is one of Iowa’s bigger cities, and home to a surprising array of unique restaurants and diners. It is even home to one restaurant featuring a spray paint recreation of the Sistine Chapel on its ceiling. Explore this and much more in our guide to Waterloo, a fascinating culinary city in the Hawkeye State.

Brown Bottle

Built in what was formerly the largest hotel west of Chicago, the Brown Bottle now serves high quality Italian food from its former lobby. A family owned and operated restaurant since it first opened in 1974, they offer a rustic take on fine-dining with a wide crowd-pleasing menu and fantastic atmosphere from its intimate dining booth and great Iowan hospitality. The Brown Bottle has truly become a dining staple in the neighborhood and once you try their signature pizzas or prime rib, you will see why for yourself.

Galleria de Paco


Morg’s has been serving the residents of the Cedar Valley and beyond, delicious diner fare for half a century in its current location, and for 15 years before that on the other side of the river. Its pancakes are gigantic and delicious, and the item on the menu that keeps customers coming back time and time again. But Morg’s has much more to offer besides; apart from the breakfasts that have made it a Waterloo institution, they also offer a popular lunch service featuring freshly made burgers.

Newton’s Paradise Cafe

An old-school diner (with original spinning neon signs) in a historic building with art deco flourishes, Newton’s is one of Waterloo’s best-rated restaurants. Offering hefty portions of diner classics, any meal at Newton’s is guaranteed to be filling and comforting, with their pork tenderloin one of the biggest available in any restaurant in the United States. These hefty portions are predominantly organic and locally sourced, a move that has made the chef something of a local hero and makes for the finest possible food.


A Mexican restaurant with a dedication to the freshest possible ingredients, dishes cooked to order and staying true to recipes passed through the generations, it is no wonder Chapala is so popular with Waterloo locals. They create versions of all your favorite Mexican dishes, but it is their burritos grandes that really stand out; when they say ‘grandes’, they mean grandes! For big portions and a wide ranging menu featuring every Mexican dish you could desire, Chapala is perfect for a midweek meal.

LJ’s Bar and Grill

The best of Waterloo’s sports bars, LJ’s (short for its owners’ names, Lyle and Jan) is a family-run bar and grill with as much commitment to great food as it has to ensuring the best view of your favorite game, a rare combination for a sports bar. Offering a menu of American dishes perfect for either sit-down dining or bar snacking during the big game (including prime rib Friday and Saturdays), LJ’s Bar and Grill is a casual dining spot worth remembering.

Panda House

Waterloo’s finest Chinese restaurant and a key part of the community, Panda House offers Chinese and a wide array of Asian cuisine in this family-run restaurant. The restaurant serves classic Chinese cooking, giving the place a familiar vibe, where portions are generous and the prices are reasonable. This place sets itself apart from other local Chinese restaurants by cooking everything fresh to order rather than serving buffet-style, it is the perfect place to satisfy your Chinese cravings.

El Patrón

A contender for Waterloo’s best Mexican joint, El Patrón’s focus is on making tasty unpretentious food and they definitely succeed. From appetizers through to a dessert menu featuring a delicious take on deep fried ice cream, the menu is full of delights. The restaurant offers a great selection of deals throughout the week to ensure that bargain hunters everywhere get to experience their Mexican classics and mouthwatering margaritas. Definitely a venue at which to arrive hungry as the portions are famously generous.

Mexican chicken tortilla soup with condiments and toppings

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