The Best Vacation Cottages to Book in North Carolina

Make the Old North State your home from home at one of these top North Carolina cottages
Make the Old North State your home from home at one of these top North Carolina cottages | Courtesy of River Landing Club Cottage / Expedia

State parks, fishing holes and pick-your-own farms abound in the state of North Carolina. Even better, plenty are within driving distance of bigger cities, from Charlotte to Greensboro and Raleigh. Stay for a long weekend or hide out a while in one of these cozy cottages with access to hiking trails, hunting grounds and some of the finest hole-in-the-wall restaurants around. The best vacation cottages in North Carolina are bookable on Culture Trip.

The Prestige Guest House, for family-friendly fun


Exterior of the Prestige Guest House, with a grassy front yard
Courtesy of The Prestige Guest House / Expedia

This residential spot on the edge of Fayetteville is a no-frills stopover. The spacious three-bed guesthouse sleeps up to six, so no cramming together on the L-shaped sofa is required. Grab groceries at the supermarket down the road, then gather in the decked-out kitchen to make dinner together – make full use of the stove, oven, full-size fridge and freezer, then throw your dirty plates in the dishwasher. Hang out on the backyard deck or head into town and check out the museums, gardens and cozy cafes.

The Beckwith Guest House, for peace and quiet


Double bed in a room at the Beckwith Guest House, with an overhead fan
Courtesy of The Beckwith Guest House / Expedia

A three-minute drive from Fort Bragg and 20 minutes from downtown Fayetteville, this ranch-style three-bedroom home on the north side of town is hidden in a quiet, residential neighborhood off Highway 24. Up to six can sleep in the queen beds, while two more can fit on an air mattress in the living room. Color abounds: from the lime green porch overhang to red curtains and rich wood floors.

The Chalmers Place Guest House, for central convenience


Living area at the Chalmers Place Guest House, with a sofa and wooden table
Courtesy of The Chalmers Place Guest House / Expedia

Roll up to this gray-brick triplex in Fayetteville that backs up against the King’s Grant Golf & Country Club – and a sweet little pond. You’re also right across the road from the Methodist University campus, local restaurants and state parks to the north. The two-bed, two-bath cottage is painted a muted blue throughout, and is complete with marble-top kitchen counters and a wooden deck leading to an unfenced backyard and a small creek.

River Landing Club Cottages, for a hint of luxury


Two double beds face a TV in a River Landing Club Cottages room, also containing a desk, chair and armchair
Courtesy of River Landing Club Cottages / Expedia

Escape to the small town of Wallace – about a half-hour drive north of beachy Wilmington – for riverside golf rounds, lunch at locally owned diners and game lands galore. Bring the gang with you and opt for a five-bedroom cottage at River Landing: a residential community with two of the state’s top golf courses, along with an outdoor pool and walking and biking trails. Rooms beat out other rentals with hotel-style service and top-of-the-line amenities – think leather furniture, king-size center suites and wraparound porches.

The Girard Guest House, for thoughtful perks


Two sofas in a living area at the Girard Guest House face a large flat-screen TV over a fireplace
Courtesy of The Girard Guest House / Expedia

This two-bedroom, two-bath guest house in Fayetteville is part of a quadplex and full of residential perks. Rooms are comfortable, with plush headboards, satiny comforters and a fluffy gray carpet. Grill out on the enclosed deck facing the forest – or stay in the kitchen to whip up dinner. Grocery stores and restaurants are right down the road – along with the King’s Grant Golf & Country Club – and you’re just a few minutes from downtown and Fort Bragg.

The Dandridge Guest House, for classic charm


Double bed in a room at the Dandridge Guest House, with an overhead fan
Courtesy of The Dandridge Guest House / Expedia

This home in Westover – one of Fayetteville’s historic neighborhoods – is full of classic details, including bay windows in the living room, wrought iron bed frames and even a blue-and-white toilet in the tiled bathroom. It’s filled with new touches, too, including the recently constructed porch in the spacious backyard, stainless steel appliances and sleek wooden furniture. You’ll be just a stone’s throw from Fort Bragg and close to plenty of local eateries – try the tacos al pastor at Don Ramon’s just down the road, or the roasted duck panang at 2 Rim Khong Restaurant.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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