The Best Spots Where All the Hipsters Hang Out in Panama

Panamanian coffee
Panamanian coffee | © Brittney Schering
Brittney Schering

It is no secret that hipsters love good coffee, craft beer and hip music. Here are the prime locations throughout Panama where you are sure to be surrounded by the hippest bunch in town.

First and foremost, at Nomada

Nomada is the new, unique and trendy eatery located in the heart of Casco Viejo. Along with the most incredible dishes, they have an outstanding happy hour with a fantastic variety of craft beers on offer. This is a great chill zone for a casual beer or two, it’s fit for brunch, lunch and dinner, and as a starting point for a night out. Nomada is all good vibes, great beer, and spectacular food.

Nomada, Avenue Eloy Alfaro, Panama City, Panama, +507 209 0377

At New York Bagel Café for coffee and bagels

The most comfortable and welcoming place to be when the rain falls in El Cangrejo is New York Bagel Café on Via Argentina. With bottomless coffee on offer – a rarity in Panama City – and freshly baked bagels, as well as a full menu of breakfast and lunch food, New York Bagel Café is a favourite among locals and expats, as well as travellers. Most who stay a while do so for the endless coffee and simple yet cozy, spacious environment.

New York Bagel Café, Via Argentina and Calle Arturo D. Motta, Panama City, Panama, +507 390 6050

Perusing the local art market

Upon entering the New York Bagel Café, a large message board is on the wall to the left of the door where you’ll find flyers for a variety of great opportunities and adventures in Panama. Beyond the board is a tiny, local art store called Pronoia. Pop in to see the authentic Panamanian art and crafts for sale.

Pronoia Art Store, New York Bagel Café, Via Argentina and Calle Arturo D. Motta, Panama City, Panama

Enjoying happy hour at Istmo Brew Pub

Istmo Brew Pub is the go-to bar of choice for a quick beer to start the evening or to wind down after a long day. Offering a chill environment with a nice outdoor terrace to watch the buzz of the city, Istmo is a classic watering hole of Panama with an impressive beer list.

Istmo Brew Pub, Eusebio A. Morales Ave., Panama City, Panama, +507 265 5077

Istmo in Panama City

Lounging around at Panama City’s only speakeasy

Located on Via Veneto in El Cangrejo, this exclusive, intimate nightlife zone requires a password to enter from inside the taco joint, Mordida del Burro. While there, feast on delectable tacos wherever is most comfortable – the same menu is available in the restaurant and the speakeasy.

Mordida del Burro, Calle Hercilia Lamela, Edificio Arnold 1A, El Cangrejo, Bellavista, Panama City, Panama, +507 263 8336

At La Rana Dorada for beer o’clock

It’s five o’clock somewhere, and at La Rana Dorada no one is judging, with a generous happy hour from noon to 6 pm, offering half off all craft beers. This is a must-visit for craft beer lovers, as La Rana Dorada is one of Panama’s oldest craft brewers. The brewery warehouse, Cerveceria La Rana Dorada, boasts an extended happy hour from 4-8 pm on Fridays, and 12-6 pm on Saturdays.

La Rana Dorada, Ave. Eloy Alfaro (Casco Viejo), Calle 11 Este, Panama City, Panama, +507 212 2680

Enjoy delicious beers at La Rana Dorada

Sipping on a latte at Leto

Coffee culture is alive and well in Panama City, and Leto carries the torch as the city’s first artisan coffee brew bar. Leto lets coffee lovers connect over what they call ‘the ideal cup of coffee’, while simultaneously representing Panama in the world barista championships. The environment is part-modern, part-rustic, and service is sure to please patrons. Leto cares about the authenticity of the coffee it brews, and this shows in the quality and integrity of every cup – be it a pour over, matcha latte, espresso or cappuccino. Leto makes revolutionising coffee possible.

Leto Coffee Brew Bar, Panama City, Panama, +507 368 8643

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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