The Best Places to Stay in Samara

Bristol-Zhiguly Hotel I Courtesy of Bristol-Zhiguly Hotel
Bristol-Zhiguly Hotel I Courtesy of Bristol-Zhiguly Hotel
Zita Whalley

Like its attractions and sights, Samara‘s accommodation is scattered throughout the city. Much of it lies either close to the promenade and along the length of the Volga River, or towards the train station. Here are our top picks on where to stay when visiting Russia‘s city gateway to the Volga region.

Ost West Club, Samara

Independent Hotel

Ost West Club, Samara

Close to Samara beach and an easy stroll to the central sights, Ost-West Club Hotel is in a prime position. As a medium-sized hotel with fewer than sixty rooms, it offers personable service and a comfortable and intimate atmosphere. Take a stroll to any one of Samara’s fine restaurants or have a meal in Biscuit, the hotel’s restaurant that serves up fine European fare.

Hampton by Hilton Samara, Samara

Chain Hotel

Facade of the Hampton by Hilton Samara, Samara
Courtesy of Hampton by Hilton Samara / Expedia

Close to the promenade and to sights such as Stalin’s Bunker, the Hampton by Hilton offers the smart hospitality that you would expect from a respectable international chain. The modern rooms, while modest, don’t scrimp on comfort, and the restaurant serves both Russian and European dishes. There is a complimentary breakfast that can be taken on the go, for those who want to make the most of the location and of the day.

Renaissance Samara Hotel, Novo-Sadovaya Street

Chain Hotel

The indoor pool at the Renaissance Samara Hotel, Novo-Sadovaya Street

Swish, without being ostentatious, the Renaissance Samara offers an array of rooms suitable for all kinds of travellers. Three restaurants and cafés offer international cuisines, while the summer terrace is an ideal spot to have a drink or a meal while the weather is warm. Head upstairs to the Alto Italian Restaurant, and look out across the Volga while enjoying a delicious Italian meal.

Nice hostel, улица Алексея Толстого

Hostel, Hotel, Budget Hotel

Boasting bright green walls and soft furnishings, this small and friendly hostel epitomises cheap and cheerful. With clean rooms, secure lockers and cooking facilities in the common room, its an ideal hub for solo travellers on a budget. Its prime position close to the promenade makes venturing out into the city a breeze.

Bristol'-Zhiguli, Samara

Boutique Hotel

Bristol-Zhiguli, Samara

The top pick in terms of location and style, the Bristol-Zhiguly Hotel is located next to the Samara Regional Art Museum. Since the early 1900s, the Art Nouveau building has operated as boutique accommodation, and while the name has changed, the Bristol-Zhiguly continues the tradition of providing top-notch hospitality to its guests. Check-out the 24 hour Fleur Restaurant for a decor scheme that mashes Art Nouveau and neon to delightful effect.

Hotel Bravo, Samara

Independent Hotel

Hotel Bravo, Samara

Two hotels – Bravo Lux and Bravo – under the same hotel umbrella ensure that there is a suite or a room for everyone. Unassuming yet comfortable, the homely Hotel Bravo is an easy stroll to the Volga and offers complementary continental breakfasts for its guests.

Graf Orlov, Samara

Independent Hotel, Hotel, Boutique Hotel

Up the road from the Bristol-Zhiguly, Hotel Graf Orlov is a smart, modern hotel. Again, in an excellent location, some of the rooms have a view of the Volga and all are fitted out with handsome interior schemes. With a small gym plus a spa offering a jacuzzi, sauna and massage, this boutique hotel is ideal for a relaxing stay. The restaurant and bar serve up European cuisine in a polished and elegant setting.

Hotel ibis Samara, Samara

Chain Hotel

Hotel ibis Samara, Samara

The proximity to the Volga is Ibis Samara’s major drawcard, and its closeness to the centre makes the hotel ideal for travellers who want to keep the rabble at arm’s length, yet within easy access. With a 24-hour food service, bar, and a restaurant that serves Mediterranean dishes, it has all the modern conveniences you would expect from a reliable chain.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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