The Best Italian Restaurants in Alexanderplatz, Berlin

Alexanderplatz in Berlin
Alexanderplatz in Berlin | © Robbert Heiligers / Flickr
Alice Dundon

Alexanderplatz is the lively, bustling epicentre of Berlin. As one of the capital’s largest and best-known squares, it’s a shopping mecca and tourist hotspot, and is well placed close to the city’s main attractions. The dynamic area and its surroundings are rich with a number of restaurants, offering flavours from across the globe. Here are the best Italian restaurants, for when you’re craving pizza, pasta and all the classic favourites.

L’Osteria Berlin Mitte

Restaurant, Italian

© jeffreyw / Flickr

L’Osteria Berlin Mitte is a place for tourists, locals, families and friends to come together and eat well. A loud, lively and central restaurant, just three minutes from Alexanderplatz, it serves up a plentiful and extensive menu of typical Italian cuisine. Offering antipasti, pasta, pizza, traditional desserts and a special menu of the week, this place always delivers a rich blend of dishes and a typical Italian atmosphere. A warm and welcoming spot, the prices are reasonable and the staff are friendly.

Vapiano Alexanderplatz

Restaurant, Italian

© RitaE / Pixabay

Vapiano, a chain restaurant located in the heart of Alexanderplatz, offers central dining with views of the Rotes Rathaus and square. Delivering a consistent, albeit slightly straightforward menu of traditional starters, including bruschetta, pasta dishes, pizza and salad, this is a no-frills spot that wins over visitors with its price, views and convenience. The interior is modern and stylish, while the overall ambience is touristy, light-hearted and welcoming.

Sapori Italiani Berlin

Restaurant, Italian

© Fred Romero / Flickr

Sapori Italiani, located in the Galeria Kaufhof shopping centre – one of Alexanderplatz‘s most famous shopping spots – offers an authentic Italian menu and modern atmosphere. The open kitchen serves up fresh Italian food, including a range of tasty pizzas and pasta dishes. Promising great service and a convenient location for guests to fuel up while shopping, it’s a great choice in the area.

Piazza Rossa

Restaurant, Italian

© Payam Fahr / Flickr

For fine Italian dining in the heart of Berlin, head to Piazza Rossa. Just a stone’s throw from iconic sights like the TV tower and large town hall of Berlin, this Italian restaurant offers delicious and authentic pizzas, seasonally inspired Italian dishes, including seafood specialities, along with fresh salads and hearty pasta dishes. The interior is kitschy and quirky, complete with a detailed, painted ceiling and red and white checkered tablecloths. It’s the perfect, upscale spot for Italian food amid Berlin’s central attractions.

Trattoria Peretti

Restaurant, Mediterranean

© Jorge Díaz / Flickr

Trattoria Peretti is a stylish, central restaurant, just a stone’s throw from the Spree, GDR Museum and Berlin AquaDom. Serving up a mix of Mediterranean inspired cuisine with perfectly paired wine, it’s a short walk from Alexanderplatz. Promising a feast of flavours and upscale menu and interior, this is the perfect spot for travellers looking for something a little fancier in Alexanderplatz.

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