The Best Food Courts in Toronto

Urban Eatery
Urban Eatery | © CF Eaton Centre

There’s more to Toronto’s food courts than the quintessential quick bite. In a city that’s renowned for some flavorsome cuisine, the food halls boast an assortment of meals, from the hippest salads, wood-fired pizzas, and piping hot bowls of pho to favorites such as tacos, the latest desserts, sushi, and much more! Check out our list below of the best food halls and food courts in Toronto.

Urban Eatery

Food Court, Fast Food, American, Thai, Japanese, Italian, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern

The Best Food Courts in Toronto
© CF Eaton Centre
With 24 restaurants and 900 seats, along with reusable plates and cutlery, the Urban Eatery isn’t your run-of-the-mill food court. The Urban Eatery was part of the Eaton Centre’s $120 million revitalization project a few years back, and it has become a pit stop for hungry shoppers, local business people, and government employees on their lunch break. The vast choice of restaurants and cuisine include healthy options such as Urban Herbivore and Fast Fresh, as well as the usual haunts like KFC and McDonald’s. Apart from the food court, you’ll find eating spots located throughout Eaton Centre. Head to the upper floors for some restaurant options, including Trattoria Mercatto, and the Richtree Natural Market food hall is also worth a visit.

First Canadian Place

Food Court, American, Italian, Mediterranean, Thai, Japanese

Bang in the middle of the Financial District, First Canadian Place has a concourse-level marketplace as well as dining choices on an upper-level terrace. With numerous options for vegan and vegetarian fare, as well as gluten-free and dairy-free choices, there’s something for everyone. Toronto favorites such as Forno Cultura, Calii Love, Kupfert & Kim, Brick Street Bakery, and Prairie Girl Bakery are a few among others that have a presence at this food court.

Saks Food Hall by Pusateri’s

Food Court, American, Italian, Mediterranean, Salad Bar

Best Food Courts in Toronto
© Pusateri's
Saks Food Hall by Pusateri’s at CF Toronto Eaton Centre (also at CF Sherway Gardens) is an epicurean’s dream. Foodies can discover a curated assortment of the finest foods as well as unique food experiences. Shop, dine-in or takeaway from numerous stunning outlets. The food hall boasts its own kitchen, champagne bar, rustic pizzeria, several sweet and savory bakeries, as well as renowned local eateries.

Village by the Grange

Food Court, American, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese

This spot has to be one of Toronto’s most unassuming dining destinations (bar the large neon sign outside), and it’s home to some amazingly cheap and cheerful eateries. Often busy with students from OCAD University, and office workers during the day, most people don’t realize that Village by the Grange is a huge food court. Try the all-day breakfast at Karine’s, or grab some comfort food from Helena’s Magic Kitchen, and desserts at Wafflian. Other notable mentions include the burritos with a Korean twist at Fiesta Burrito, steamed buns and hot plates at Mea Bao, and the Thai mango chicken at Cheery Garden. Not all the restaurants are open throughout the week, so if you have a specific one you want to visit, do check ahead for timings!

St. Lawrence Market

Market, Food Court, American, Seafood, Mediterranean

St Lawrence Market, Toronto
© Mark Sawyer / Alamy Stock Photo
It takes three different buildings to house over 120 vendors, all of them serving up slab after slab of good food. Named by National Geographic as one of the best food markets, St. Lawrence Market is more of a gourmand experience than a humble food court. Buster’s Sea Cove, Paddington’s Pump Restaurant, and Cruda Café are just a handful among other local favorites found at this historical food court, but Carousel Bakery (home of the award-winning world-famous peameal bacon sandwich) is one for the bucket list.

Dine on 3

Food Court, Italian, Mediterranean, Indian, Middle Eastern, Greek, Japanese

Yorkdale’s swanky food court Dine on 3 offers shoppers and diners plenty of world flavors—from Italian and Mediterranean dishes to everyone’s favorite Indian and Greek specialties and the latest trends at Japanese Noodle Bar to a good old classic grilled cheese. In a modern atmosphere above the shopping level, you can enjoy your meal beside a fireplace or on their outdoor patio, and you even have the option of reserving seats!

Pacific Mall

Food Court, Asian

This massive Asian mall located at the edge of the city is definitely worth a trip to satisfy cravings for regional cuisine. There are lots of specialties to try out and so many restaurants to choose from, but Papa Chang’s, KS Spicy Legend, and Fish Ball are not to be missed. Wash it all down with bubble tea, and if you have any room left, pick up an egg waffle ice cream sandwich for dessert.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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