The Best Farm Stays in Australia's Scenic Rim

Farm Stays
Farm Stays | © Annie Spratt/Unsplash
Alice Duffield

If you’re the type of person who gets bored with the hotel thing and like to throw yourself into the culture around you, farm stays might be right up your alley. The Scenic Rim has some beautiful working farms scattered throughout the region and some have opened their doors for tourists to come and stay.

Lillydale Farmstay

Bed and Breakfast, Farm

Lillydale is a modern farm stay that lets you fully absorb true country life. Get involved in collecting eggs in the morning, milk the cows, jump on a horse and gallop around the land taking it all in. An easy 90 minute drive from Brisbane, just near Mount Barney National Park, there is loads to do in the area so you’ll be anything but bored.

Clandulla Cottages, Boyland


Relax and enjoy the stunning landscape here at Clandulla while being surrounded by little fury kangaroos. You can choose to sit back and relax, or learn about the property and get involved with feeding the animals and playing farm-hand.

Tommerups Dairy Farm, Kerry


Tommerup’s Dairy Farm is spread over a massive 200 acres in the picturesque Kerry Valley. Guests are welcome to help milk some of the dairy heard, feed farm animals or simply wander the land along the Albert River and Duck Creek. You can stay in a rustic farm stay cottage or camp in the paddock for a true country farm experience. Enjoy the stunning sunrise over the paddocks like no other.

Cedar Glen Farmstay, Darlington


Cedar Glen is a working cattle farm, well known in the area and has been for over 100 years. There are four historic cottages to stay in that you can choose from and a huge range of activities on site to make the most of. Spend a few days bushwalking, horse riding, you can even enjoy a game of tennis or just wander around the farm taking in the beautiful scenery.

Eighteen Mile Cottage & Homestead, Darlington

Homestay, Cottages

There is so much to love about Eighteen Mile farm stay. Get some fresh country air with loads of activities close by such as bush walking trails, swimming in the local rock pools, fishing and rock hopping. Finish up your day by the bonfire enjoying a drink and a chat under the stars. Not far from the property is the beautiful O’Reilly’s Rainforest Tree Top walk as well as some delicious foodie spots.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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