The Best Bars in Franklin, Tennessee

Fruity cocktail drinks
Fruity cocktail drinks | © Scout's Pub
Leena Kollar

If your idea of fun is to head to a bar to watch a sports game or grab a drink with friends, there are several great bars in Franklin, Tennessee to check out. These places offer more than just delicious drinks; their atmosphere makes bar-hopping as much fun as drinking itself.

Jonathan’s Grille

Since 1999, the family-owned bar and grille has been serving the Nashville area. Combining the ambiance of an upscale restaurant with the energy of a sports bar, Jonathan’s is a great place to catch the big game or enjoy a laid-back meal. Choose from soups, salads, pizzas, quesadillas, sandwiches, or burgers. Don’t forget to hit the bar on Tuesdays for Happy Hour, Wednesdays for Ladies’ Night, and on Sundays when there are beer specials all day.

Scout’s Pub

In addition to offering tasty menu items like burgers, pizza, and chili cheese nachos, Scout’s has plenty to choose from on the drink list. A variety of craft and draft beers are available, as well as both red and white wines, cocktails, and non-alcoholic cocktails. Bourbon, whiskey, and scotch are also on the menu for those who prefer a stronger flavor to their liquor.

Dolan’s Bar & Grill

More than just a place to grab a bite and sip on spirits, Dolan’s is a sports bar that has poker games, karaoke, and an APA pool league. The locally owned and operated restaurant has been in business for more than 15 years, serving sandwiches, burgers, and pizzas alongside beer and beverage selections.

Drake’s Cool Springs

Bruce Drake, who founded the bar and restaurant, went in search of somewhere to get a good burger and listen to live music well into the night, only to find that such a place didn’t exist. Now, you’ll find a lively establishment that offers burgers, sandwiches, salads, and even sushi on the menu. Fruity, seasonal cocktails are also available if beer isn’t your thing.

GRAY’S on Main

The menu at this downtown bar and restaurant focuses on locally and regionally sourced ingredients. This means that the menu offerings vary by season. Honoring the traditions of southern cuisine, you’ll find creative items like Brown Sugar and Bourbon Salmon, Heritage Fried Chicken, and Sweet Potato Ravioli. If you’re looking for unique drink pairings, bar program director Kala Ellis has put together a handcrafted menu of libations that are sure to impress. Try the Molasses Fast, crafted with Lazzaroni Amaretto, House Brandy, Almond Molasses, and Black Walnut Bitters, or the Gray Ghost, made from Woodford Reserve, Laird’s AppleJack, Brovo Amaro #14, and Almond Demerara.

Brewhouse South

With several Nashville area locations already in existence, the latest addition to the Brewhouse family serves the same great items as the others. Food dishes on the menu include chicken quesadillas, shrimp po’ boys, and Tex-Mex selections. As for drinks, there’s plenty of beer on draft, but if you want something richer and stronger, the Bushwhacker—essentially a spiked milkshake—is a crowd favorite.

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