The Best Coffee Shops In Malta

Street Cafe in San Lawrenz, Malta.
Street Cafe in San Lawrenz, Malta. | © / Alamy Stock Photo
Andrew Ricca

When it comes to appreciating a cup of coffee, the Maltese know how to do it right. Unlike neighboring Italy, however, it may take a while longer to stumble upon a place that serves a truly satisfying cup of caffeinated goodness. Here’s a list of establishments set on providing customers with the best cup of coffee in Malta.

Fontanella Tea Garden

An essential stop on most visits to the medieval town of Mdina, Fontanella enjoys an enviable reputation on the island. Situated in a unique spot on the city’s high bastions, the restaurant offers sweeping views of a large part of the island from its breezy outdoor terrace, adorned with green ferns, palms, and geraniums. Largely responsible for its claim to fame, however, are the sweets and cakes produced here, which are of the highest quality imaginable.
Fontanella, 1 Bastion Street, Mdina, Malta, +356 2145 4264

Fontanella Tea Garden, Mdina, Malta.

Caffe Berry

Caffe Cordina

Founded in 1837, Caffe Cordina is the most well-known café in Malta, complete with an intriguing history. Situated in a historic palazzo on Valletta’s Republic Street – opposite Republic Square and the National Library of Malta – this family-run business, once little more than a humble confectionery, carries a good deal of prestige and takes pride in their high-quality standards and traditional homemade sweets and pastries. Over the years, this coffee shop has expanded to include a restaurant, tea room, pasticceria, gelateria, and a standing coffee bar at its center.
Caffe Cordina, 244 Republic Street, Valletta, Malta, +356 2123 4385

Cafe Cordina, Southern Harbour District, Malta.


Tucked away in Valletta’s backstreets is Culto, an Italian caffeteria and panineria claiming to serve the best coffee in the capital, and the popular consensus tends to agree. Behind a minimal white façade, this small and intimate venue serves fresh panini (filled with the finest Italian dairy and meat products), cakes, and an ever-changing list of home-cooked daily specials varied enough to appeal to most appetites.
Culto, 49 St. John’s Street, Valletta, Malta, +356 2749 6810

Cafe Ole

Despite being located close to touristy St. Julian’s main strand, the largest part of Cafe Ole’s clientèle is made up of regular locals starting their day with a morning dose of freshly brewed coffee. The favorite local beverage here is their signature blend cappuccino. Inside the quirky interior, they also serve some sandwiches, filled with your ingredients of choice. Even though the café is often packed, it is worth the short wait for a table to open up.
Cafe Ole, 63 Main Street, St Julian’s, Malta, +356 2136 4528

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