The 5 Best Budget Hotels In Marrakech

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© Tropa66 / Pixabay | © Tropa66 / Pixabay
Mandy Sinclair

Hospitality in Marrakech is second to none, even in the most budget of hotels. And with special offers available almost year-round, Marrakech has no shortage of budget hotels available. Given the street life and mesmerizing souks, it’s understandable why travellers may wish to spend less on accommodations and more time shopping. So we have selected our top five budget hotels in Marrakech for travellers looking for a budget retreat to return to at the end of a busy day.

Dar Attajmil

Dar Attajmil

A cute little four-bedroom riad in one of the best areas of the Marrakech medina, Dar Attajmil is tastefully decorated and complete with attentive staff to ensure you feel at home. While the rooms are smaller, all feature comfortable beds and en-suite bathrooms with complimentary toiletries produced using local ingredients. Some of the rooms have the option of twin beds, so perfect for travelling with friends. Be sure to dine on the quaint rooftop terrace where the gardens are well maintained and provide a bit of shade on a hot day.

Dar Attajmil, 23 Rue el Ksour, Marrakesh, Morocco, +212 524 426 966

Riad UP

Budget Hotel, Independent Hotel, Hotel

A peaceful little oasis, the rooms at Riad UP are decorated in calming natural tones and textures to add to the serenity that exists throughout. Some of the rooms even have fireplaces, and so perfect for a romantic getaway. But the plunge pool in the central courtyard is where guests tend to flock on hot Marrakech days. With only five rooms, owner Elsa greets guests and will happily provide tips on what to do and see in Marrakech.

Hotel du Tresor

Budget Hotel, Independent Hotel, Hotel

Meaning Treasure Hotel, this little gem Hotel du Tresor provides great value for money. Built in riad style, a central plunge pool in the main floor courtyard is surrounded by comfortable and tastefully, if simply, decorated rooms on the first and second floor. The rooftop patio is retro-cool with views of the medina, but also an oasis to retreat to after a day in the souks. The location, just steps from Jemaa el Fna, makes it an ideal location for solo travelers, too.

Le Caspien

Centrally located in Marrakech’s new town, Le Caspien is a three-star hotel with all the conveniences. Rooms are standard three-star quality with en-suite bathrooms and bathtubs, but all are light and filled with views onto either the busy Rue de la Liberte or the pool below. The restaurant and bar on the main floor downstairs provide a great option for tired travelers, and the small pool is refreshing on a hot Marrakech day. But its location in the heart of Gueliz, just steps from artist showrooms, art galleries and restaurants, make this a great choice for travelers preferring to stay in the new town.

Hotel Le Caspien, 12 Rue Loubnane, Marrakesh, Morocco, +212 524 422 282

Jnane Mogador

Jnane Mogador

The location is the selling feature at Jnane Mogador, as the souks are literally at the doorstep and the bustling Jemaa el Fna square less than five minutes away. The rooms here are simple, but all have en-suite bathrooms and most have air-conditioning. However, the sprawling rooftop terrace makes up for the rooms, as it’s a perfect place to meet other travelers or curl up in a nook with a book.

Jnane Mogador, 116 Derb Sidi Bouloukate, Marrakech, Morocco, +212 524 426 323

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