The Most Instagram-Worthy Places in Bogotá

Bogota | © jerzykwpodrozy / Pixabay
Chris Bell

At first glance, Bogotá might not be the most beautiful city in Colombia, but there is so much more to the Colombian capital than first meets the eye. From truly incredible street art to stunning cityscapes and panoramic views, here are the 15 most Instagram-worthy places to visit in Bogotá.


The ultimate scenic spot in Bogotá, the church at the top of Monserrate mountain – accessed by a beautiful cable-car ride – offers breathtaking panoramic views of the city stretched out below. It’s especially stunning at sunset, but if you get a totally cloud-free morning, you can sometimes see the distant snow-capped volcanos of Colombia’s central Andes.

The Botero Museum

Bogotá graffiti

Bogotá is becoming famous around the world for its street-art scene, and there are some magnificent murals and sculptures to see (it’s especially recommended to see them on the Bogotá Graffiti Tour). Your followers will definitely thank you for all the bright colours and stunning works of art.

Usaquen Market

The picturesque northern neighbourhood of Usaquen holds a wonderful craft market every Sunday, and it’s just about the most photogenic spot you could be in Bogotá. With hundreds of stalls selling colourful crafts, fresh Colombian fruits, and local coffee, as well as street performers on every corner, you won’t be able to put your camera away on a Sunday in Usaquen. Or your wallet for that matter.

Bolivar Square

The central square of Bogotá is one of the most photogenic spots in the whole city. Whether you choose to snap a picture of the main cathedral – with Monserrate in the background – the National Capitol Building, or one of you sitting on a llama (that’s right!), you’re sure to pick up some serious likes.

The Gold Museum

Because nothing will brighten up your Instagram feed more than hundreds of photos of intricate gold jewellery and artefacts, right? Bogotá‘s Gold Museum is one of the biggest repositories of ancient Indigenous goldwork in the world, and there are so many stunning pieces that you’ll never be able to choose just one to post.

Lake Guatavita

Lake Guatavita is an easy day trip from Bogotá and offers a fascinating window into Colombian Indigenous and colonial history: the belief is that it is the origin of the Legend of El Dorado. It’s also just a really beautiful lake: almost perfectly round, and a deep-green colour, surrounded by high Andean moorland.

La Puerta Falsa restaurant

Supposedly the oldest restaurant in Bogotá, La Puerta Falsa makes this list for one main reason: hot chocolate and cheese! Although that might sound like two reasons, people in Bogotá traditionally eat them together, and the best spot to sample this local snack is at La Puerta Falsa, which makes for an amazing photo to shock your Instagram followers!

Paloquemao Market

Bogotá‘s main food market is an overwhelming riot of colours, smells, flavours, and noise – you can sample fruits there that you never knew existed! And what’s more fun than sticking up snaps of those same fruits on your Instagram feed and seeing if your followers can guess what they are?

Zipaquira Salt Cathedral

Another easy day trip from Bogotá, the Zipaquira Salt Cathedral is one of Colombia’s coolest and most surreal tourist attractions for sure. The bizarre underground cathedral – with some truly trippy light projections thrown in for good measure – is unique and makes for some amusing photos as well.

Colpatria Tower at night

Formerly the tallest building in Colombia, the Colpatria Tower in downtown Bogotá is lit up at night by thousands of colourful lights, which project images and messages onto all four sides of the building! Expect to see the Colombian flag colours, pictures of famous football players, messages of peace, and much more.

Bogotá Craft Beer Tour

Craft beer is very hot on Instagram right now, and in Bogotá, it’s no exception. The good news is that there’s an excellent tour that takes in four cracking craft beer bars and local breweries – the Bogotá Craft Beer Tour. You can snap loads of pictures of beautiful pints of local craft beer and spice your feed up a little bit at the same time.

Andres Carne de Res

Bogotá‘s most iconic restaurant is also a complete photographer’s dream: the steakhouse/nightclub is full of colourful knick-knacks and surreal souvenirs, which cover the walls from floor to ceiling. There aren’t many places where you can enjoy such a feast for all the senses.

A Tejo court

Tejo is the Colombian national sport – it’s a game that basically involves throwing heavy metal disks at gunpowder until it explodes. And it really explodes! An Instagram video of a successful tejo throw – complete with fire and smoke – will blow up on your Instagram feed. Pun very much intended.

La Chorrera Waterfall

Colombia’s highest waterfall is another simple day trip from Bogotá and is about as scenic and photogenic as nature gets around the capital city. The 590-metre (1,936-foot) ‘falls drop down from a high, misty plateau into the jungle below, making for some stunning landscape shots showing off the natural beauty and diversity that Colombia has to offer.

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