Must-Have Looks From IKEA's 2019 Catalog

2019 IKEA catalog
2019 IKEA catalog | © IKEA

Home & Design Editor

From vintage collections celebrating 75 years of design to graphic monochrome patterns and minimalist must-haves, IKEA’s 2019 catalog has something for everyone. And there’s one trend in particular worth noting.

For many home decor lovers, the beginning of August means one thing: IKEA’s new US catalog release. Trends for 2019 include retro-inspired collections with throwback designs from the 1950s to the 2000s, chic storage options to display all your favorite wares, layered curtains and Scandinavian minimalist looks. But one trend specifically defines the essence of this year’s beloved catalog, and it’s all about a softer, more romantic look.

Here are a few highlights from IKEA’s pastel trend and how to shop the look.

Go back in time with vintage-inspired furniture

Landskrona sofa $599, Gunnared light green/wood. Landskrona loveseat $579

Switch up the ambience with these soft, layered curtains

Hannalena curtains $29, light pink and gray

Made from recycled bottles, Hannalena curtains combine sustainability with elegance in a new soft, textured design. True to the color palette of the season, the curtains come in either light pink or gray.

Pile on the textures with these watercolor-inspired cushion covers and cotton fabrics

Eldtörel cushion cover $6.99/each, pink/multicolor. Skäggört cushion cover $6.99/each, white/gold. Harört cushion $19.99/each

There’s nothing like a new set of fabrics for a new season. Created by Swedish designer Inga Leo, IKEA’s Eldtörel cushion cover (inspired by a watercolor painting) is a perfect layering option to pair with the Harört cushion (made from natural ramie material). The result is a textured, calming look that transitions well with any season.

“My inspiration often comes from the nature here in Småland, in southern Sweden. For [the] Eldtörel cushion cover, I found a watercolor motif – a memory from a quiet evening by the lake, just as the sun set,” Leo says.

Add retro mood lighting for a soft glow

Tärnaby table lamp $19.99

Old-fashioned kerosene lamps offer a perfect rosy glow to any room, but they do present a fire hazard – especially in urban dwellings. The Tärnaby table lamp gives the same nostalgic lighting (without the kerosene), and it’s only $20. Featuring mouth-blown glass and brass-colored details, the lamp’s bulb can change intensity for the right ambience in a pastel-colored room.

Pastel pots pair well with vibrant greens

Gradvis plant pots $4.99/each, pink

Pastel hues pair well with lush plant life in the home and complement all shades of green without overpowering them. IKEA’s Gradvis earthenware plant pots come in pink and gray, and feature a ribbed, on-trend surface for a textured effect.

Display your collections in style

Sammanhang collection

IKEA’s new Sammanhang series is all about “celebrating your stuff.” Meaning ‘context’ in Swedish, Sammanhang offers new ways to store, display and show off your favorite objects – without the guilt. From glass display boxes to round wall shelves and tiered display stands, this series offers several eclectic options to exhibit your goods.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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