Why Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Might Pick Namibia For Their Honeymoon

The landscape along the Cunene River, Namibia
The landscape along the Cunene River, Namibia | © Netumbo Nekomba / Culture Trip

Rumours are rife! Prince Harry and Meghan Markle might spend their honeymoon in Namibia. Located in south-western Africa, this country is an undiscovered gem and the perfect place to sit back, relax and enjoy some of the most spectacular views in the world. Known for its unique landscape, low population and luxurious locations, it’s the perfect place to enjoy your privacy. Here is a guide to the ultimate honeymoon destination—Namibia.

Live in luxury

If you’re someone who has a taste for the finer things in life, prime lodges such as Ongava Reserve and Sossussvlei Lodge provide exclusive activities and experiences. Whether you’re resting atop a balcony in the valley gazing at indigenous animals, or indulging in a five-star meal prepared by local chefs under the stars, there’s no doubt that you will be treated like royalty every step of the way—the way you deserve to be. Plenty of couples’ packages allow you to enjoy a train ride on the Desert Express, spend the night in Namibian castles and tour the country while you’re at it. According to Express UK, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will be honeymooning at Hoanib Valley Camp.

Wild animals gaze at a waterhole at Ongava Game Reserve

Activities are plenty

Lions are commonly found at Etosha National Park

Experience the finest Namibian service

Namibians love to make people feel welcome to their country, so you don’t have to worry about good service in the hospitality industry. And while you’re being treated with ubuntu, or the togetherness and unity that Africa is known for, you’ll never want to stop smiling. Rumour also has it that Namibia has some of the best game meat in the world and the country’s beef is often exported to countries overseas. Tickle your taste buds with fine Namibian cuisine and get the best from the local chefs whose only desire is to see you with a happy (and full) stomach.

Namibian steak is a must try, combined with local sauces and unique flavours

Enjoy your privacy

Because of Namibia’s small population and accommodation mainly located within the savannas of the country, you’re guaranteed absolute privacy and intimacy during your honeymoon. Most lodges and camping sites are situated kilometres from the nearest town and built to ensure you not only enjoy the activities, but give you enough space to get away from the bustling city life and bask in nature. Whether you opt to go on a boat cruise along the Cuando River in the north-east or enjoy the beach along the coastline of the country, there’s a moment for everything.

The landscapes along the Cuando River in the northeastern region of Namibia are a sight to see
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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