The Best Restaurants And Diners In Nampa, Idaho

Raw salad
Raw salad | Photo by Monstruo Estudio on Unsplash
Marcelina Morfin

Located 20 miles west of state capital Boise, Nampa is the second largest city in Idaho and one of the fastest growing places in the state. When there is growth, there is often change, including a deliciously booming dining scene. From savoury dishes to sweet treats, from refined eateries to fast-casual spots, here is an updated look at some of the best cultural restaurants in Nampa right now.
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BabeCakes Cupcakery

Lovingly decorated cupcakes with colorful decorations

BabeCakes Cupcakery is a bakery and café offering customers many other tasty edibles in addition to cupcakes. A downtown venue, this eatery serves up breakfast, lunch, and other sweet treats such as pies, pastries, and candies. The cupcakes are a must-try though, with flavours like salted caramel, peanut butter and jelly, and baked Oreo proving popular with regulars.

Flying M Coffee Garage

A popular café set within a charming environment, Flying M Coffee Garage provides local residents with great coffee, delicious baked goods, and live entertainment and events, including concerts and craft markets. Located in an old converted auto shop in the historic downtown area, this friendly coffee shop does its best to keep things local by roasting their own coffee and offering made-from-scratch treats made with the best locally and regionally sourced ingredients.

Little Saigon Vietnamese Restaurant

Little Saigon is a lovely family-owned and operated restaurant specialising in flavourful Vietnamese cuisine. Located in the heart of downtown, the restaurant features a warm and inviting atmosphere where guests can sample a host of dishes.

Brick 29 Bistro

Chicken Apple Salad

Brick 29 Bistro is a warm and inviting restaurant specialising in ‘comfort food reinvented.’ Using the best locally sourced ingredients and then infusing them with international flavours the menus are fresh and exciting. This bistro also offers delicious vegetarian options, a host of wines from the Snake River Valley, plus a delightful Sunday brunch.

Italian To Go

Italian To Go specialises in authentic Italian cuisine. With the bulk of their business being takeaway and delivery, this welcoming restaurant does have a few indoor tables plus outdoor seating when the weather allows. Featuring a menu that contains recipes passed down from generation to generation, the mouth-watering dishes are made-from-scratch using only the freshest ingredients available.

Messenger Pizza & Brewery

A colourful eclectic pizza parlour located downtown, Messenger Pizza and Brewery features delectable pies plus an impressive assortment of micro-brews that will tantalise many guests. Diners can order a speciality pizza, or they may create their own pie choosing from a variety of ingredients, including four types of dough, four sauces, seven types of cheese, many meat toppings, plus an extensive list of veggies.

Messenger Pizza and Brewery, 1224 1st St. S., Nampa, ID, USA, +1 208 461 0081

Sarah’s Bagel Cafe

Sarah’s Bagel Cafe features hand-rolled bagels that are baked fresh every day. This fast-casual spot currently features 14 regular bagels from plain to blueberry to asiago, with new flavours periodically as they like to experiment. Diners can order a bagel plain or with one of many delicious cream cheese spreads, including honey and walnuts, or they may choose to order a delicious bagel sandwich, which comes in breakfast and lunch varieties.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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