A Single’s Guide to Dating in Minneapolis, MN

Love | © Artem Poleshchuk / Flickr
Kelsey Roseth

Minneapolis is made for lovers. Its beautiful scenery, ample cultural events, and thriving economy make Minnesota’s largest city a perfect place for finding your soulmate. Here’s a single’s guide to dating in the Twin Cities.


According to United States Census Bureau data from 2016, Minneapolis’ population is more than 400,000. Of those who are 15 years old and over, about 36% of those individuals are married. That means 64% of the population over the age of 15 is single. Those are good odds! About 56% of males and 47% of females have never married, and 9% of males and 12% of females are divorced. Less than 5% of the total single population has been widowed.

Young Couple in Love


Smartphones make app and online dating easy

Places to meet

Minneapolis is made for singles of all ages. There’s Barrio, located in the Lowertown neighborhood of St. Paul, which is brimming with young professionals. The restaurant and tequila bar hosts a DJ-fueled dance party starting at 11 p.m. each Friday and Saturday. Then there’s Bar Lurcat in Minneapolis, a restaurant offering urban cuisine in à la carte bites alongside casual cocktails. It’s the type of place where professionals head for happy hour and after-dinner cocktails. Dakota Jazz Club & Restaurant in downtown Minneapolis is a favorite hangout for those who want to experience more than a music club. It offers a full, chef-driven menu and daily world-class performances. These restaurants are only a few options, as the Twin Cities is home to many cocktail bars and clubs. So, check out business reviews on Facebook and Yelp to find a venue that’s right for you.

Barrio, 235 6th St. E., St. Paul, MN, USA, +1 651 222 3250

Bar Lurcat, 1624 Harmon Place, Minneapolis, MN, USA, +1 612 486 5900

Dakota Jazz Club & Restaurant, 1010 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN, USA, +1 612 332 1010

Aidan Carroll of Grand Baton performing at Dakota Jazz Club & Restaurant


There’s this business called “It’s Just Lunch” in Minneapolis, which provides singles an alternative to online dating. Certified matchmakers pair people with personalized, hand-selected matches, and since the service is private, there’s no online dating profile—a great bonus. Singles can also check out Eventbrite for speed-dating events. Another organization is SpeedMinneapolis Dating, which provides blind dates, revamped speed dating, matchmaking and more in what it calls a “cheeky-chic” dating atmosphere.

Is love in the cards?

Words of wisdom

There are some words of wisdom that stand the test of time, no matter what city you’re dating in.

Be yourself—this is an easy one.
Be truthful from the get-go, because it almost always leads to trouble later.
Be open. Try not to shut someone out the minute that you find one annoying habit or realize you have less in common than you initially thought. Having an open mind may just lead you to love.
Be strong. Dating can be a major challenge, but finding love is definitely worth it.
Trust your gut. In a battle between the head and the heart, it can be hard to determine the best moves to make when dating. Your gut will always lead you down the path that makes the most sense for you at the time. That doesn’t mean it’s always going to lead you to the “right” decision, but it will help you make the best decision you can with the information you’ve gathered.

The word “love” on display in a city
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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