A Couple’s Guide to Atlantic City, NJ

The view from Brigantine Beach
The view from Brigantine Beach | © Chris Potako / Flickr
Kate Morgan

Whether you’re looking to break the bank on an extravagant weekend with your sweetheart, or just looking for a budget-friendly romantic getaway, Atlantic City is a prime destination for couples. Check out this guide for having the best possible time with your partner in New Jersey’s storied resort town.

Hit the beach

Atlantic City’s beach—unlike most of the sandy coves along the rest of the Jersey shore—is totally free. You can head down to the dunes early to watch the sun come up, or scope out a perfect spot on the sand just before sunset.

If you want a little more elbow room (AC beach can get pretty crowded on summer weekends) consider heading just outside the city limits to another free (and dog-friendly!) beach: Brigantine. You’ll have a little more peace and quiet, plus a fantastic view of the Atlantic City skyline.

Stroll the boards

Atlantic City’s boardwalk has a long and colorful history. The first American boardwalk began as a removable, 8-foot wide, mile-long section of planks that was removed each winter. Today, it’s a wide avenue lined with adorable shops, enviable architecture and great little hole-in-the-wall eateries. Plus, it’s the perfect place to get in some prime people-watching.

The AC Boardwalk, looking North

Catch a show

Maybe you want to watch the orchestra play around the worlds largest musical instrument (the pipe organ in Boardwalk Hall), dance at a performance by your favorite pop star, or dissolve into hysterics at a comedy show: whatever you’re looking for, it’s playing in Atlantic City.

Casino resorts such as The Borgata, Tropicana and Caesar’s host big performances nearly every weekend during the summer, and on lots of nights during the off-season too.

Have a great meal

You might be budget-conscious, in which case it’s boardwalk pizza or a gyro for you. Or, maybe you’re trying to spoil your date, in which case you should hit one of the world-class restaurants (run by some of the biggest name chefs and restauranteurs in the world – think Gordon Ramsay, Stephen Starr, and Jose Garces) located inside the aforementioned casino resorts.

Buddakan’s all-seeing Buddha

And a nightcap

It just wouldn’t be Atlantic City without one truly great cocktail. For the good stuff, sidle up to the bars at the front of nearly every high-end restaurant in the city. If you’re just looking to party, take a seat on the casino floor and play some penny slots – a waitress will be with you shortly.

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landscape with balloons floating in the air


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