A Couple's Essential Guide to Cairo

Mosque Madrassa of Sultan Hassan photo, panoramic view from fortress in Cairo
Mosque Madrassa of Sultan Hassan photo, panoramic view from fortress in Cairo | © Daria Volyanskaya/Shutterstock
Sarah Marzouk

Change is good and as a couple, it’s nice to break the routine sometimes and do some different activities together especially if you have certain mutual interests. In Cairo, there are a lot of fun activities for a couple to engage in. Here is the essential couple’s guide to Cairo.

Falucca (boat) in the Nile

Bring your food and rent a falucca in the Nile for a few hours, maybe just before sunset for maximum romance. Enjoy your meal along with the lovely view. You may also find speakers there so you might as well bring your music with you. This may seem a little bit old-fashioned but it’s a nice activity that never goes out of style.

Felucca on the River Nile at sunset, Egypt

A concert at Cairo Opera House

Egypt Opera House in Cairo

Catch a movie

Cairo is full of plenty of places for you to catch a movie, whether in a movie theater or at other places that offer movie nights every now and then. For different movies brought from different cultures you can follow Zawya‘s schedule. You can also check Room, Sufi, Balcone, Magnolia, and 3elbet Alwan for different events including movie nights.

Never forget food

No date can be complete without food. In Cairo you have many choices of places to eat. For a romantic meal you can head to Left Bank or Souqia in Zamalek and enjoy the Nile view along with a nice meal or a drink. The Tipsy Teapot in Maadi is also one of the perfect places to get a romantic dinner and enjoy dance nights. If you’re looking for something more low-key, you could try some of Cairo’s tasty street food.

Stroll along Qasr El-Nil Bridge

Qasr El-Nil Bridge, also known as Khedive Ismail Bridge, is one of the most famous historic constructions in Cairo and dates back to 1931. The bridge links Tahrir Square in Wust El Balad to the Cairo Opera complex. At the two ends of the bridge stand the four famous lion statues sculpted by the French sculptor Henri Alfred Jacquemart in the 19th century. You’re basically in the heart of Cairo, where you can take a walk and enjoy the fresh air with a captivating view of the Nile.

Qasr El-Nil Bridge

Shop for books

If the both of you are book addicts, then that’s great! You could go book shopping together, or go read together at some place quiet as there are many of them to choose from. You can also check MeetUp for book clubs and join it together, that’s a different experience you should give a shot.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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