A Brief History of Eureka, Mauritius' Plantation House

Eureka Mansion
Eureka Mansion | © Bryn Pinzgauer/FlickR
Rusheel Sakaram

Taking refuge between the Mount Ory peak and a cascading river, this could be where this hard-to-find colonial mansion draws its name from. An impressive architectural prowess of the early 19th century, its beauty has stood the test of time. We look back at 200 years worth of history, to highlight the true spirit of this monument.
Acres of a nature reserve surround Eureka, counting numerous waterfalls, greenhouses, gardens and impeccably maintained lawns. The British touch is very much felt around this place; a tribute to Mr. Carr, a British aristocrat who ordered the construction of this mansion. His choice of the location is no accident for it found only a couple of miles away from the governor general’s residence, in Le Réduit (now the Presidential Residence).

Eureka Gardens

When construction began in the 1830s, local ebony and mahogany wood were used as main materials. Today, the immaculate wood veins are testimony of the know-how of the carpenters working on this titanic project. Distinguishing itself with its 109 doors and windows, the building houses various furniture imported by the French East India Company. A piano and a dining table are the most prized pieces.

Dining room

A venue for weddings and festivals, this colonial heritage reminds locals and visitors alike how rich Mauritius’ past is.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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