7 Best Beauty Bars in San Francisco

Get a blow-out or style
Get a blow-out or style | © Meagan / Flickr
Deanna Morgado

As beauty bar trends sweep across major cities, San Francisco is finally entering the scene. These aesthetic hubs typically specialize in hair, skin, makeup, and everything in between. As more and more pop up around the City by the Bay, these leading beauty bars are already putting their prettiest foot forward.

LashSpot SF

Beauty Salon, Spa

© xtina5645 / Flickr

For expert eyelash extensions, LashSpot SF boasts some of the most skilled beauty technicians in the city. Clients have been able to be fitted with long lashes that adhere to nearly any eye shape. Since opening in 2013 and building its impressive following, eyelashes throughout the city can give thanks and praise to LashSpot SF. After all, this eye-fluttering beauty bar led the charge in bringing the art of eyelash extensions to San Francisco.

Pure Envy Spa Bar

Beauty Salon, Spa

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© Karolina Mis / Epliator Home

Slipping into this quiet beauty bar, mere blocks away from San Francisco City Hall, it’s difficult to shake the feeling of never being able to escape the chaos of the city. On the contrary, Pure Envy Spa Bar on quiet Grove Street makes for a delightful break away from the congestion of urban life. The usual lineup of beauty services is offered here: waxing, eyelash extensions, and skincare. But the topic of conversation between clients after finishing their appointment is their nails. The widespread nail treatments range from the average clean-up manicure to intricate gel art done literally at the client’s fingertips. For the ultimate luxe experience, a cozy cup of tea or an indulgent chocolate cream massage often accompanies some of this beauty bar’s services.


Beauty Salon, Spa, Health Spa

© Kylie Aquino / Flickr
Skinworx’s inspiring mission vows to evoke a sense of confidence in clients through healthy skin. While simple facials are among the services here, multiple variations of the beauty bar’s trademarked Hydrafacial dominate the menu. Skinworx’s Hydrafacial promises to tighten, cleanse, banish wrinkles, and, naturally, hydrate the skin on a cellular level. The medically trained beauty and dermatology technicians don’t hold back the big guns either when it comes to glowing skin, offering Botox and other injectable treatments.

ZAZA Nail and Wine Lounge

Beauty Salon, Spa

© Angie Chung / Flickr

The words “beauty” and “bar” go hand-in-hand more ways than one at ZAZA. As clients recline in one of the plush armchairs and admire the work done to their nails by one of the technicians, the ultimate recipe for relaxation is complete with the in-house wine bar serving you a glass or two while being serviced. ZAZA Nail and Wine Lounge isn’t only dedicated to beauty either, but also to wellness. All of the products used at this beauty bar are exclusively non-toxic and eco-conscious.

Bloom Blow Dry Bar

Beauty Salon, Spa

© Meagan / Flickr

With the constant demand of time rushing San Franciscans out their doors in the morning, sometimes it’s the hair that suffers. That’s why so many tussle-haired patrons find their way to Bloom Blow Dry Bar for expert blowouts. These blowout services consist of a wash, blow-dry, and styling. Bloom honors this old-school way of hair care but manages to stay innovative by giving clients original and modern styles to show-off. And as a beauty bar, once the stylists have had their way with hair, it’s the makeup services that often come next. Skilled makeup artists gussy up clients just before a special occasion or even while on their way to lunch.

Modern Nail Bar

Beauty Salon, Spa

© James Lee / Flickr

Stopping in for one of Modern Nail Bar’s services has become a part of many Dogpatch locals’ beauty regimen. Never holding back on the refined, receiving the most standard of manicures gives a pampering treatment worth at least triple the price. A happy client with clean-cut, polished nails is top priority at Modern Nail Bar. This is probably the best beauty bar that doesn’t bother with any frills or over-the-top nail art; they aim only for tasteful nails and de-stressed clients.

Dermaplus Skin + Body

Beauty Salon, Spa, Health Spa

© Rinet IT Australia / Flickr
Dermaplus Skin + Body cares for skin with both a holistic and clinical approach. Along with facials, on this beauty bar’s menu, there are spray tans and laser skin treatments. With a staff made up exclusively of skilled estheticians and trained medical-aesthetics nurses, clients are in more than capable hands. Whether banishing prolonged skin issues or maintaining a healthy glow, Dermaplus most likely has a remedy for it.
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