11 Instagram Accounts You Must Follow Before You Visit Brazil

The serene beaches in Brazil
The serene beaches in Brazil | © nathsegato / Pixabay
Sarah Brown

From breathtaking landscapes and the country’s best surf spots to street style in São Paulo and conservation projects in the Amazon, there are enough Instagram accounts about Brazil to indulge any whim. Fuel your excitement for your trip by following these 11 Instagram accounts that provide a glimpse into Brazil’s world.


The official Brazil tourism account is jam-packed with stunning imagery that captures Brazil at its finest. From aerial shots of the sprawling São Paulo to snaps of serene beaches, Visit Brasil puts the itch in itchy feet and is a great source for planning a trip around the country. With captions in English, the accounts, recommendations, and tips have a wide appeal.



Camila Coelho is the queen of the Brazilian fashion and lifestyle blogging world. Her immaculate style is enviable and she shares her daily looks, where to find her outfits, beauty tips, and her picture-perfect travels every day with her 7.2 million Instagram followers. She divides her time between her home country Brazil and her adopted home in the US, so most of her captions are in both English and Portuguese.


If working out and doing exercise is on the agenda during your trip to Brazil, then you may want to follow Chris Lodi for fitness inspiration. With more than 50,000 Instagram followers, Lodi shares her expertise in nutrition and gym exercises as well as tips to build muscle mass. Fitness has a large following in Brazil and weight-lifting is a daily routine for many men and women. Another of the biggest fitness icons in Brazil is Gracyanne Barbosa, with more than 6.2 million followers.


Receitas Em 15 Segundos (“Recipes in 15 Seconds”) is João Pedro’s channel and he shares plenty of traditional Brazilian dishes, snacks, and desserts that can be made quickly and easily. Not only does he provide tips on the most popular foods in Brazil (and the ones you have to try), he also shares how to make them so you can do it yourself when you get home.


If you love nature, beautiful landscapes, and quiet retreats with waterfalls, spectacular views, or serene beaches, Desviantes is the Instagram account for you. Filled with hundreds of Brazil’s most stunning areas to escape the cities and explore the country’s natural side, it’s the perfect source of inspiration to plan your next adventure into the wild.


Maga Vilhas has a popular lifestyle account in Brazil and gives hundreds of fashion inspiration and beauty tips for Afro-Brazilians. Born in Bahia and living in São Paulo, Maga’s style is colorful, daring, and addictive to follow. Her style tips are accessible to everyone and are spread across her Instagram, YouTube, and blog.


Henrique Pinguim is a professional filmmaker and photographer, skills that he combines with his love of surfing to create an Instagram account full of action surf shots and tips on the best places in Brazil to surf. In between spectacular aerial jumps and picturesque beaches, he also uploads close-ups of wild animals, such as dolphins, that he comes across while surfing.


The official account of the Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (Chico Mendes Institute of the Conservation of Biodiversity) is a showcase of their remarkable conservation efforts in Brazil and offers striking images of the local wildlife and habitats they are trying to save. Among the hundreds of images are close-ups of turtles, monkeys, and parrots, as well as extraordinary landscapes in Brazil’s national parks.


If your trip to Brazil includes a stop in Rio de Janeiro, then make sure to follow Oficial Rio. Filled with inspiring images and plenty of travel tips, it’s a rich source of travel inspiration for underground and local places to check out. It also includes some restaurant, cafe, and farmers’ market tips.


Insta Walk Rio is an interactive Instagram account that lets you discover street art in Rio de Janeiro. The first few images at the top of the page show a map of Rio labeled with numbers, and below there are dozens of images with corresponding numbers that show the street art in that area, with a bit of information about each one. Rio de Janeiro has dozens of areas to check out incredible street art and has several works from well-known artists such as Marcelo Ment and Edwardo Kobra.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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